Practical Tips To Help Someone Suffering From Memory Loss Part 2

memory lossIt’s never easy to see someone close to you suffer from memory loss or dementia. Here are some tips to help you out. Don’t forget to check part 1 of this post here.

Helping A Loved One With Memory Loss or Dementia

Losing your way at home

Dementia patients may lose track of the layout of their homes and get lost in the details.

Sometimes, dementia patients may not recognize the home they live in. As dementia progresses, people with dementia may claim that they want to “go home”, even though they live at home. It could be that they don’t remember where they live at the moment.

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Practical Tips To Help Someone Suffering From Memory Loss Part 1

memory lossThere are many ways you can help a person suffering from dementia or memory loss.

Helping People Suffering From Memory Loss

1. Not paying attention to recent conversations and events

Even in the early stages of dementia, people suffering from this condition might have difficulty recalling recent conversations or events. The brain may have lost the information due to dementia. They may not be able to recall the discussion or event. You should consider bringing them to an assisted living facility.

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