dementiaYou may have been in a foreign city or neighborhood and shopped at a large box store. Although it looks identical to your local store in many ways, such as the logo and color scheme, but you walk down an aisle expecting breakfast cereals only to discover that there are school supplies. It can feel a bit disorienting. This disorienting feeling could be a glimpse at how someone with dementia sees the world.

You’re familiar with the effects of dementia on the behavior and personality of your loved ones. What does dementia look like inside? Understanding the perspective of your loved one can help you to feel more connected and compassionate.

What is dementia?

A set of symptoms that lead to cognitive decline is called dementia. You may experience it due to a number of conditions and diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, traumatic brain injury, and Parkinson’s. The following symptoms may be present:

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Assisted Living: Warning Signs Of Dementia

dementiaDementia is a life-altering condition characterized by declining thinking and physical abilities, but it can be hard to detect in its early stages. While aging brings about gradual change, dementia often has subtle yet distinct signs that must not go unnoticed – especially when your loved one may try to mask them.

Assisted Living: Signs of Dementia

Dementia manifests differently from person to person, making it hard to spot. However, there are commonly observed warning signs that may indicate the onset of this condition; keeping an eye out for patterns in their behavior can help you determine whether your loved one is suffering from dementia or not.

Memory loss

As we age, it’s normal to experience the occasional memory lapse. However, if your loved one is finding themselves increasingly reliant on aids like post-it notes or repeatedly forgetting names of familiar people in their lives – this could be indicative of an early sign of dementia. Don’t ignore these warning signs and look for medical guidance as soon as possible should you suspect any related symptoms. Don’t hesitate to look for a memory care facility if necessary.

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How To Talk to Alzheimer’s or Dementia Patients

dementiaSenior citizens and others in their circle of influence face the challenge of declining cognition. People with cognitive conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, will eventually lose their ability to think. They might have difficulty learning, remembering, paying attention, and reasoning. These issues can make communication with older adults difficult. There are some things caregivers and family members can do to help make communication easier and less frustrating for all.

The Reality of Memory for Dementia Patients

There are four types of memory available to people: episodic memory, working memory, prospective memory, and semantic memory.

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Practical Tips To Help Someone Suffering From Memory Loss Part 2

memory lossIt’s never easy to see someone close to you suffer from memory loss or dementia. Here are some tips to help you out. Don’t forget to check part 1 of this post here.

Helping A Loved One With Memory Loss or Dementia

Losing your way at home

Dementia patients may lose track of the layout of their homes and get lost in the details.

Sometimes, dementia patients may not recognize the home they live in. As dementia progresses, people with dementia may claim that they want to “go home”, even though they live at home. It could be that they don’t remember where they live at the moment.

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