The Importance Of Size When Choosing The Right Memory Care Community

memory careThe task of finding memory care for a loved one can seem overwhelming and daunting.

You will discover that every community has its own unique characteristics. This is in addition to researching and finding different senior living options and memory care options. These distinctive qualities may be explained by the representative of the community. They will also describe the uniqueness of assisted living community, such as its specialization in memory care.

Memory Care Options: Are bigger things really better?

During your tour, you might notice that certain memory care communities are smaller than others.

Family members often ask which size is best for their loved ones.

It’s crucial to reflect on your loved one’s daily life and how it was in the past.

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Tips For Touring An Assisted Living Community

assisted livingIt takes research and a lot of discussions to find an assisted living community that will meet your loved one’s needs. This is not a decision than you should make blindly. Before you and your loved ones make a decision, it’s important to visit potential communities.

Adult children often find it easier to visit different senior living communities without their parent. Many people have a general idea of the preferences and needs of their senior relatives. This allows them to eliminate any that are not a good match. This allows the adult child and parent to visit the top two or more communities together.

No matter what approach you take, it is important to plan ahead in order to make the most of every tour.

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Small Changes That Help With Assisted Living

assisted livingAlthough assisted living communities offer seniors the chance to remain independent, it is not always easy to transition from your home to assisted living.

It can be difficult and even traumatizing to leave behind a home and neighborhood with many fond memories. However, there are ways you can help one or both parents ease the transition into this new phase.

Ways For Easier Transition To Assisted Living


Although assisted living in Myrtle Beach is often beautifully furnished, it is possible for seniors to feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar decor. You can make your parent feel more at home in the new apartment by providing familiar objects.

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What are the Three Principles of Assisted Living?

Assisted livingSenior residents will receive the best care by following the principles of assisted living. These principles ensure that assisted living and nursing home residents are treated with respect and compassion.

Let’s take a closer look at these three principles so that you can understand what to expect from assisted living communities for you and your loved ones.

3 Guiding Principles of Assisted Living

1. Person-Centered Care

This guiding principle will ensure that loved ones receive care that is tailored to their needs. This is vital because it makes sure that assisted living in Myrtle Beach is not a one-size fits all approach.

Every resident is different. They are cared for according to their individual needs, not those of the majority. This supports each resident’s daily life; also ensuring that they receive the best care possible.

One resident may benefit from daily walking, but it could be detrimental to another. This applies in some cases to diet and other activities. It is important to adhere to the first principle at all costs and not deviate from it.

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Making Assisted Living Your Home

assisted living Myrtle BeachAlthough change can be difficult for everyone, it seems that the older we get, the more challenging it is to break with the status quo. It’s often the elderly who have to make the biggest lifestyle changes. One example is the downsizing of assisted living in Myrtle Beach to a condominium or family home.

Our loved ones must not only leave their familiar surroundings, but also have to accept that they will need to move due to increasing health care needs and advancing age.

Tips To Make Assisted Living in Myrtle Beach Feel Like Home

It is not easy to move to assisted living in Myrtle Beach. Many people want to stay in their homes, surrounded by family memories and personal possessions. As their care needs grow, assisted living communities often offer safety, assistance, and social interaction. This can sometimes defeat the senior’s desire to be familiar. Although this transition can be difficult for seniors and their caregivers, there are simple steps that can help loved ones feel more comfortable with the idea of moving into a new home.

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Different Senior Care Options

senior careIt can be difficult to navigate the maze of senior care options. It would be great to have a roadmap.

You may need assistance finding the best solution for your loved one’s care.

There are many options for senior housing and there is not one right answer. There are many options, but this is the benefit: You have a greater chance of finding one that suits your long-term goals.

These are 8 senior care options that you and your loved ones should consider.

1. Independent Living Communities

These living arrangements are also known as Senior Housing or Senior Apartments. They can be either apartment complexes, condos, or freestanding homes. Most housing is fully furnished and simple to navigate. Some homes are luxurious and offer a variety of social amenities as well as fine dining. Others offer the basic necessities.  If:

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Visit Your Loved One in a Memory Care Facility

memory careAlzheimer’s can be a devastating disease. While you do your best to care for your loved ones, sometimes it might be time to transfer them to a memory care facility.

It’s difficult and delicate, but it’s essential to enjoy your time with your loved one. These are some tips to help you make the most of your visit to a memory care facility.

Tips When Visiting Your Loved One In A Memory Care Facility

A gift is a great way of spending time with someone you care about and to show your appreciation. Sometimes it can be difficult to choose what gift to give someone with dementia.

Make a photo album that reflects your life together. You can bring a game of cards or a puzzle to play together during your visit. It’s all about being creative and thinking outside the box.

Be Patient

Many memory care facilities advise that residents not visit for at least the first week. Because the nurses and aides must spend time helping the residents adjust to their new surroundings, this is a common recommendation. Remember to be patient when you arrive for your first visit.

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Signs To Start Talking About Assisted Living

assisted livingAlthough medical advances have made it possible for people to live longer and more healthily, there are still times when living alone isn’t an option. Seniors may be reluctant to discuss the possibility of moving away from their loved ones and staying in an assisted living facility.

It is not something that any family likes to face when assisted living is necessary. There are signs you can look out for to help you make the right decision.

Here are some resources to help you if you’re worried about your loved ones not being able to care for themselves properly on their own, or if you’re a caregiver and feel it is time to make a change.

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Is it time to transition from independent to assisted living?

assisted livingAging is more art than science. As we age, each person experiences a unique aging process and may be faced with different health issues. It can be difficult to navigate health care decisions later in your life. It may be difficult to determine when it is time to transition from independent living to assisted living.

Independent Living vs. Independent Living vs. Assisted Living

Independent living facilities are for seniors who are still able to care for themselves. These communities offer “planned social activities, exercise options, group travel options,” as well as other activities that promote “mental and physical engagement to improve general wellness and quality life as people age.”

“Assisted living facilities” are, in contrast, designed to ease the burden of daily tasks for people with different health or life circumstances.

Assisted living communities are for seniors who are not sufficiently sick to be admitted to a hospital or nursing home, but have chronic medical conditions that require monitoring.

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What You Need to Know About Assisted Living Requirements

assisted livingIt is likely that your loved one will need to move into an assisted living facility soon. However, you aren’t sure what the eligibility requirements are for assisted living.

This can be overwhelming. There are many changes taking place and you might not know where to begin. We get it.

This guide will walk you through the assisted living requirements that you must know in order to be eligible to live in an assisted-living facility. It also explains what you can expect when you are admitted. Continue reading to find out more.

What are the Requirements for Assisted Living Admissions

The eligibility criteria for assisted living are determined by the care needs of each resident. Assisted living is generally appropriate for those who have the following needs:

  • Rehabilitation services
  • Nursing care are available for minimal charges
  • Management of medication
  • Help with daily tasks such as eating, bathing, and so on.
  • For those who have special needs, assisted living is not the best option.
  • Continuous supervision
  • Medical care that is extensive
  • Memory Care

Let’s take a closer look at some of them.

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