Assisted livingSenior residents will receive the best care by following the principles of assisted living. These principles ensure that assisted living and nursing home residents are treated with respect and compassion.

Let’s take a closer look at these three principles so that you can understand what to expect from assisted living communities for you and your loved ones.

3 Guiding Principles of Assisted Living

1. Person-Centered Care

This guiding principle will ensure that loved ones receive care that is tailored to their needs. This is vital because it makes sure that assisted living in Myrtle Beach is not a one-size fits all approach.

Every resident is different. They are cared for according to their individual needs, not those of the majority. This supports each resident’s daily life; also ensuring that they receive the best care possible.

One resident may benefit from daily walking, but it could be detrimental to another. This applies in some cases to diet and other activities. It is important to adhere to the first principle at all costs and not deviate from it.

2. Always Practice Ethics

Trust is the foundation for any assisted living community. This includes being open with residents about all matters and ensuring that seniors are treated ethically and morally in these communities.

Integrity is therefore essential to the operation of assisted living facilities. This principle is inextricably linked to the second. This ensures that everyone receives the same high-quality care.

This principle is common in senior care facilities all across the United States. You want to ensure that your loved one is treated the same as the other residents when they make the transition to assisted living communities or nursing homes.

3. Mission Statement

The mission statement of each assisted living community should focus on the improvement of the environment and care for every resident. Access to all mission statements should be available to communicate the facility’s values and goals.

Staff training should be continuous so that everyone on the team is current with the mission statement. This ensures that everyone on the staff is aware of the community’s goals and that their actions reflect them.

Every assisted living community should have a constant drive to improve its operations and care. Residents of assisted living communities will receive the best care and attention if this is done. These three principles should be followed by all staff members. This will ensure that every community functions at its highest level and continues prospering.

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Get in touch with Reflections Assisted Living at Carolina Forest. Our team is passionate about helping families find the best senior care services for their loved ones. We are happy to help you explore all your options.

Reflections Assisted Living at Carolina Forest
219 Middleburg Dr
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
(843) 903-0700